Results for 'Caterina di Napoli'

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  1.  17
    Italian Community Psychology in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Shared Feelings and Thoughts in the Storytelling of University Students.Immacolata Di Napoli, Elisa Guidi, Caterina Arcidiacono, Ciro Esposito, Elena Marta, Cinzia Novara, Fortuna Procentese, Andrea Guazzini, Barbara Agueli, Florencia Gonzáles Leone, Patrizia Meringolo & Daniela Marzana - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study investigated how young Italian people experienced the period of peak spread of COVID-19 in their country by probing their emotions, thoughts, events, and actions related to interpersonal and community bonds. This approach to the pandemic will highlight social dimensions that characterized contextual interactions from the specific perspective of Community Psychology. The aim was to investigate young people's experiences because they are the most fragile group due to their difficulty staying home and apart from their peers and because they (...)
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    Il realismo pragmatico di Hilary Putnam.Caterina di Napoli - 2001 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 14 (2):315-334.
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    Measuring Care and Justice Moral Orientation: Italian Adaptation and Revision of the MMO-2 Scale.Salvatore Di Martino, Immacolata Di Napoli, Ciro Esposito & Caterina Arcidiacono - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (5):405-422.
    This study presents the Italian adaptation of the Measure of Moral Orientation, second revision. Based on Carol Gilligan’s theory of the Ethics of Care, the MMO-2 was designed to measure two complementary moral stances, namely, Care and Justice. For this study, questionnaire responses from 683 university students were assessed against an Italian-adapted MMO-2 scale. Data were analyzed through exploratory structural equation modeling first as separate scenarios and then as a single model. The final model comprises 4 intercorrelated pairs of latent (...)
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    Well-Being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth: The Influence of Rural and Urban Contexts on the Process of Building Identity and Disclosure.Barbara Agueli, Giovanna Celardo, Ciro Esposito, Caterina Arcidiacono, Fortuna Procentese, Agostino Carbone & Immacolata Di Napoli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The study investigates how the territorial community can influence the individual and social well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual youth and especially the recognition of their feelings and the construction of their own identity as well as their needs to be socially recognized. This research focuses on the experiences of 30 LGB individuals, with a mean age of 25.07 years, living in urban and rural areas of Southern Italy. Focalized open interviews were conducted, and the Grounded Theory Methodology, supported by the (...)
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    Psychological Lockdown Experiences: Downtime or an Unexpected Time for Being?Fortuna Procentese, Ciro Esposito, Florencia Gonzalez Leone, Barbara Agueli, Caterina Arcidiacono, Maria Francesca Freda & Immacolata Di Napoli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:577089.
    The spread of COVID-19 in Italy resulted in the implementation of a lockdown that obligated the first time the general populace to remain at home for approximately two months. This lockdown interrupted citizens’ professional and educational activities, in addition to closing shops, offices and educational institutions. The resulting changes in people’s daily routines and activities induced unexpected changes in their thoughts, feelings and attitudes, in addition to altering their life perceptions. Consequently, the present study explores how young adults perceived their (...)
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    La filosofia di Pasquale Galluppi.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1947 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  7. Al di là della rappresentazione: saggio sul pensiero di Schopenhauer.Nico Di Napoli - 1993 - Napoli: Loffredo.
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  8. Niccolò Machiavelli e l'Aristotelismo del Rinascimento.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1970 - Giornale di Metafisica 25:215-264.
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  9. L'essere e l'uno in Pico della Mirandola.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1954 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 46:356-389.
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    Libertà e valore.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:161-168.
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    Che cos’è un disegno e perché si disegna.Giuseppe Di Napoli - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 47:61-81.
    A simple line drawing can reproduce a vast collection of phenomenal discontinuities: optical, material, chromatic, and also of density, dimension, resistance. All these discontinuities correspond to physical realities quite different from each other. This fact leads us to consider that our brain can retrieve from a pencil stroke a broad and amazing lot information at several levels, from the physical to the phenomenological, from the logical to the cognitive. Drawing demonstrates the existence in our brain of a complex communication web (...)
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  12.  7
    La filosofia della morte dell'uomo.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1978 - Reggio Calabria: Parallelo 38.
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    Lorenzo Valla.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1971 - Roma,: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    Studi sul Rinascimento.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1973 - Napoli,: Giannini.
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    Mito politico e teoria razionale.Nico Di Napoli - 1995 - Napoli: Loffredo.
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  16. Competing narratives of time in the managerial university : the contradiction of fast-time and slow- time.Carolina Guzman & Roberto Di Napoli - 2015 - In Paul Gibbs (ed.), Universities in the flux of time: an exploration of time and temporality in university life. New York: Routledge.
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    Dal Vico al Galluppi.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1971 - Napoli,: Libreria scientifica editrice.
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  18.  26
    Esfera pública, opinião pública E liberdade de imprensa: A mediação entre estado E indivíduo.Ricardo Bins Di Napoli - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (4):595-603.
    O artigo trata da esfera pública, opinião pública e liberdade de imprensa segundo G. W. F. Hegel como formas de mediação entre o estado e o indivíduo e expressão da liberdade individual ou coletiva. A partir do exame dos Princípios de Filosofia do Direito e das Lições sobre a filosofia do Direito editadas por K.-H. Ilting, afirma-se a idéia de que Hegel não foi um defensor da censura do estado autoritário prussiano, mas da liberdade de expressão do indivíduo no contexto (...)
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    Dal Rinascimento all'Illuminismo.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1969 - Roma,: Stab. tipolitografico V. Ferri.
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  20.  12
    El Potencial Heurístico de la Teoría de la Civilización de Norbert Elias Para Estudiar la Violencia Juvenil.Pablo Nahuel di Napoli - 2017 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 18:84-111.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal analizar el potencial heurístico de la teoría de la civilización, propuesta por Norbert Elias, para estudiar la violencia juvenil desde una perspectiva relacional y procesual. Luego de realizar breves aclaraciones respecto de ciertos términos sobre los cuales recaen las críticas en torno a su obra, se presentan tres claves de lectura. La primera se enmarca en los procesos sociogenéticos y psicogenéticos que impulsan, a lo largo del tiempo, el menoscabo del uso de la (...)
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    Manuale philosophiae ad usum seminariorum.Giovanni Di Napoli - 1950 - [Taurini],: Marietti.
    1. Introductio generalis, logica, cosmologia.--2.Psychologia, gnoseologia, ontologia.--3. Theologia rationalis, ethica, pedagogia, aesthetica, historiologia.-4. Supplementum.
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  22.  14
    Understanding Language Reorganization With Neuroimaging: How Language Adapts to Different Focal Lesions and Insights Into Clinical Applications.Luca Pasquini, Alberto Di Napoli, Maria Camilla Rossi-Espagnet, Emiliano Visconti, Antonio Napolitano, Andrea Romano, Alessandro Bozzao, Kyung K. Peck & Andrei I. Holodny - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    When the language-dominant hemisphere is damaged by a focal lesion, the brain may reorganize the language network through functional and structural changes known as adaptive plasticity. Adaptive plasticity is documented for triggers including ischemic, tumoral, and epileptic focal lesions, with effects in clinical practice. Many questions remain regarding language plasticity. Different lesions may induce different patterns of reorganization depending on pathologic features, location in the brain, and timing of onset. Neuroimaging provides insights into language plasticity due to its non-invasiveness, ability (...)
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  23. Paura'reciproca'e paura'comune'in Hobbes.Dino Pasini & Giurisprudenza di Napoli - forthcoming - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto.
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  24. La Filosofia del Uomo.M. T. Antonelli & G. Di Napoli - 1967 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 23 (1):97-97.
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    Motivi estetici nel pensiero di Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Caterina Di Rienzo - 2006 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Before the dance. Current materials and future projects of a reflection on Michele Di Stefano.Caterina Di Rienzo - 2019 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 38.
    Contemporary art, which explodes from the borders and identifiable genres, the dance requires to be discussed in a perspective that exceeds the narrow of the sector. It is a microcosm of the world, a privileged space for observing the displacements and tensions of the contemporary world whose stake is a new posture that redesigns the body map in the society of capital and in the era of relations mediated by the mechanisms of the network. The result is a unique field (...)
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    L’intimità dei molti. Paradossi di un’ontologia della carne.Caterina Di Rienzo - 2013 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 25.
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    La danza, piccolo atto di morte.Caterina Di Rienzo - 2018 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 35.
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    In pensiero di Gian Giacomo Rousseau.Giovanni di Napoli - 1953 - Brescia,: La Scuola.
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    The Free Body.Caterina Di Fazio - 2015 - Chiasmi International 17:327-345.
    It is precisely through movement that the subject inscribes itself into the world and becomes visible to others. The subject is a movement directed to the outside, that is to say, the subject is desire. Desire is the “tension” toward the “extrême dehors” that we call the world. In all of his works Maurice Merleau-Ponty reaffirms, without thematizing it, a conception of life as movement, and of body as action and desire: the human being is “a certain lack of....” In (...)
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  31.  18
    Vision and Its Double.Caterina Di Fazio - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:387-400.
    Far from being haphazard, Merleau-Ponty’s 1945 essay on cinema and 1953 notes on cinema for the lectures at the Collège de France are a precursor of a genuine phenomenology of cinema. Accordingly, in this paper I shall demonstrate that a phenomenology of movement and space tacitly appears in films, since cinema is the art of motion on screen and therefore the art of intersubjectivity par excellence. Moreover, I show that Merleau-Ponty’s ontological conception of the chiasm between the visible and the (...)
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    Il Pensiero del Corpo (Italian).Caterina Di Rienzo - 2010 - Chiasmi International 12:241-259.
    La pensée du corps. Un parcours esthétique chez le dernier Merleau-PontyLe but de cette contribution est de chercher à reconstruire un parcours théorique, entre plusieurs autres possibles, en mesure de montrer comment l’art, en particulier la peinture, incarne chez le dernier Merleau-Ponty la possibilité d’un autre type de pensée. Il s’agit de la tentative de suivre une idée qui semble faire son chemin au sein de la réflexion que l’auteur consacre à la Nature et puis à l’Etre brut et sauvage, (...)
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    Corps et miroir : introduction à une phénoménologie politique du mouvement.Caterina Di Fazio - 2023 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4 (4):61-83.
    Dans cette contribution nous analysons l’interprétation de Merleau-Ponty du schéma corporel et du mouvement, en relation avec les découvertes récentes en neurosciences cognitives, afin de proposer une esquisse d’une phénoménologie du politique. Plus précisément, nous nous focaliserons, d’une part, sur le concept dynamique de schéma corporel chez Merleau-Ponty et sur sa compréhension de l’intentionnalité motrice et corporelle, ainsi que sur l’image du miroir qu’il utilise souvent, notamment dans la « Note sur Machiavel », et, d’autre part, sur la théorie des (...)
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    La danza e la grazia.Caterina Di Rienzo - 2016 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 31.
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    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola e la problematica dotrinale del suo tempo.Giovanni di Napoli - 1965 - Roma,: Desclée.
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  36. Pensiero contemporaneo e suo influsso pedagogico.Giovanni di Napoli - 1956 - [Roma,:
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  37. Tommaso Campanella.Giovanni di Napoli - 1947 - Padova,: CEDAM.
  38.  10
    Mallarmé e Valéry: leggere la danza.Caterina Di Rienzo - 2012 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 23.
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    Can Implicit or Explicit Time Processing Impact Numerical Representation? Evidence From a Dual Task Paradigm.Maria Grazia Di Bono, Caterina Dapor, Simone Cutini & Konstantinos Priftis - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Editoriale:... e la danza?Caterina Di Rienzo - 2018 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 35.
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  41. Storia della filosofia.Giovanni di Napoli - 1967 - Torino,: Marietti.
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    Gianpiero Vincenzo, Starbucks a Milano e l’effetto Don Chisciotte. I rituali sociali contemporanei. [REVIEW]Caterina Di Rienzo - 2021 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 42.
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    A Life With No Direction: New Frontiers in Psychopathology.Ivan Formica, Maria Caterina Branca, Carmela Mento, Antonio Di Giorgio, Calogero Iacolino & Monica Pellerone - 2018 - World Futures 74 (5):282-296.
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    Trama della vita e stili di esistenza.Caterina Croce - 2013 - Nóema 4 (1):44-50.
    La nozione di bios è una nozione-chiave della ricerca foucaultiana. Negli studi sul mondo antico, il bios appare come sostanza etica per l’esercizio, il governo e la trasformazione di sé. E’ utile indagare analogie e discontinuità tra la nozione di bios che troviamo negli ultimi corsi al Collège de France e il bios nell’accezione di “forza creatrice” comune e plurale della vita che troviamo nella precedente ricerca foucaultiana. La nozione di “modo di vita” consente di esplorare le ambivalenze che innervano (...)
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    Women’s Experiences of Immigration Detention in Italy: Examining Immigration Procedural Fairness, Human Dignity, and Health.Francesca Esposito, Salvatore Di Martino, Erica Briozzo, Caterina Arcidiacono & Jose Ornelas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:798629.
    Recent decades have witnessed a growing number of states around the world relying on border control measures, such as immigration detention, to govern human mobility and control the movements of those classified as “unauthorised non-citizens.” In response to this, an increasing number of scholars from several disciplines, including psychologists, have begun to examine this phenomenon. In spite of the widespread concerns raised, few studies have been conducted inside immigration detention sites, primarily due to difficulties in gaining access. This body of (...)
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    La razionalità del sentire: Gefühl e Vernunft nella Filosofia dello spirito soggettivo di Hegel.Caterina Maurer - 2021 - Padova, Italy: Verifiche.
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  47. Il paesaggio senese riflesso nel 'gorgo cristallino' di Osip Mandel'stam.Caterina Graziadei - 2008 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 29:77-98.
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  48. Le conferenze di Madrid di Henri Bergson.Caterina Zanfi - 2005 - Dianoia 10:97-151.
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    L'interpretazione Metafisica Della Conoscenza Malebranchiana Dell'anima Di Jean-cristophe Bardout: un confronto con i testi.Caterina Fraioli - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Prima lezione di filosofia morale di Eugenio Lecaldano.Caterina Botti, Claudia Mancina & Maurizio Mori - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 24 (3):667-688.
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